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Who We Are

Utah Retirement Systems administers eight defined benefit pension systems and four IRS-qualified retirement savings plans. We invest globally on behalf of Utah’s public employees across multiple classes.

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Investment Philosophy

Partnership of Trust

TeacherThe capital that we manage represents significant contributions by both taxpayers and employees of the state of Utah. We are privileged to act as stewards of this capital, which provides meaningful and secure retirement benefits for many thousands of current and future beneficiaries. The people for whom this capital is set aside include family, friends, neighbors, and many others who fill important roles in educating, protecting, and serving our families and our communities. We espouse the following investment beliefs to help effect the primary purpose of the Fund, which is to honor the commitments that are embedded in the pension benefits we administer.

A Commitment to Value, Innovation, and Excellence

Beneficiaries are our top priority. We are fiduciaries to the beneficiaries of Utah Retirement Systems and act for the sole benefit of these beneficiaries.

Compounding investment returns over time is critical for growing plan assets and fulfilling our mission.

Our investment objective is to achieve the assumed actuarial rate of return while minimizing portfolio risk through diversification.

Park City WorkerWe assess, manage, diversify, and even embrace some risks, considering both qualitative and quantitative factors. Environmental, social, and governance factors that may affect the risk of an investment should be considered.

Financial market efficiency varies by asset class, time, and other factors. Both passive and active strategies can be appropriate for our portfolio.

Returns matter, and so do costs.

Alignment of interests is necessary for successful partnerships with external investment managers.

URS Retirement Board

URS Retirement Board

Larry W. Evans, Christie N. Behunin (Vice President), Roger G. Donohoe, Richard K. Ellis, Karl W. Wilson (President), Laura C. Warnock, Marlo M. Oaks.

About the Board

The Board reviews and establishes the asset allocation of the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund and, with the executive director, determines the method of investing the funds. Board members serve four-year terms.

Awards & Recognition

Wall Street Journal
Instutional Investor Awards
Chief Investment Officer - Top 100
Top 1000
With. Intelligence